Teach Pilates - Pilates Exclusive

Teach Pilates

Why Pilates?

Are you looking for a rewarding career that will help you inspire and empower yourself and others? Or maybe you’re looking to expand your skills and knowledge to play a more active part in the health industry? Imagine having an understanding of muscles and movements that can aid in relieving pain and improving physical function for a loved one or a client. What could be more meaningful?! Over the past few years, Pilates has become an essential feature in most gyms, rehabilitation centres and fitness studios with qualified instructors in huge demand. It has immense scope all over Australia and the world so, there’s really never been a better time to get started!

The Pilates Exclusive Level 2 Course


No matter what your reasons, this Pilates course will educate you in everything you need to know to become a fully qualified Pilates Teacher. It will equip you with the right tools and skills to teach Pilates in a class, studio or private environment utilising Pilates props and equipment.

What Will You Learn?

You will understand which muscles move your arm or legs and be able to pick exercises to strengthen that movement, be able to silence a ‘noisy’ knee and help hip pain by targeting the deep hip muscles and teaching them to function correctly.

You will gain advanced skills in exercise prescription and modification for all types of individuals – those with pain, injury or dysfunction to those who just want better posture, more fitness and a healthier body.

How Will It Set You Apart?

The health industry is massive and constantly growing. A Pilates qualification distinguishes you from other instructors/teachers who have studied courses that are just fitness-based.

Course Details

Delivery: Blended i.e. Online Lectures and Face to Face – Practical

Maximum Timeframe Allowed: 18 months Part Time

Per Week Study Requirements: 8-12 hours

Practical Hours Required (420 hours)

  • Observation (20 hours)
  • Personal Practice (200 hours)
  • Supervised Teaching (200 hours)

Theory Lectures (160 hours)

  • Anatomy and Physiology Pre-Course
  • 12 Topics Each with Homework Tasks
  • Foundational Pilates Repertoire*
  • Traditional Pilates Repertoire*
  • 4 Assessment Tasks
  • 12 Week Case Study
  • Internal Trial Exam: Practical and Theory

*Pilates repertoire lectures are allowed to count towards your 200 Personal Practice and 200 Supervised Teaching hours, as you will be required to perform the exercises and teach them during lectures. This means that the total course hours are not 580 in total, as some repertoire theory crosses over into practical hours.

Topics Covered

  • History of Pilates
  • Functional and Applied Anatomy
  • Biomechanics
  • Core Stability and Neutral Spine
  • Breathing
  • Assessment Procedures
  • Posture Types
  • The Pilates Equipment
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Injury and Faulty Movement Patterns
  • Exercise Prescription for Rehabilitation
  • Principles of Training

Insurance Requirements

Once you are 100 hours through the course (this can be made up of theory, prac or a combination of both) and you are deemed ‘ready’ by the course provider you may purchase insurance to work as a student teacher and commence your Supervised Teaching Hours.

APMA Formal Examinations

There are two formal external exams held by the APMA.

  • Theory Examination known as the National Registration Exam (NRE)
  • Practical Examination

NRE (Theory Examination)

This exam is a 3-hour written exam made up of multiple choice, short answer and extended response questions.

Practical Examination

This exam is approximately an hour long, involving at least 2 pieces of Pilates equipment, and you will be marked on the following:

  • Student Performance/Demonstration
  • Teaching Performance
  • Oral Case History Presentation




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