National Headache Week 2014 - Pilates Exclusive

What a pain!

September 15th to 21st is National Headache Week.

Headache and Migraines are the second most common medical complaint worldwide. This will affect up to 80% of the population at some time… Which means it has likely to affected YOU!

What do you do to relieve that headache? Sleep? Drink water? Take a painkiller?

What most people fail to realise is the most common cause of headaches are your MUSCLES! There are about 20 muscles in your head and neck, and tension in these translates to pain in different areas in the head.

By looking at and treating the muscle tension in your neck, back, head and jaw the headache pain may lesson or disappear! Woohoo!

This can be done by using relaxation techniques, heat packs or gentle exercise to help clear the tension… and the pain!

Read more at the headache Australia website.

Or, speak to one of our Pilates Therapists in session to find out more techniques to keep pesky headaches at bay. We can help to give you a permanent solution to keep the muscles soft and pain free.



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