Start of Week 4.
So the plants have been in for two weeks now and they haven’t died. Woohoo!
Today I rescued a punnet of Radishes from certain death. They looked so sad and unloved sitting on the ‘reject’ discount tray. I had to intervene.
In front of the tomatoes they went.
On the same expedition, I also found a punnet of pak choy and lettuces who had been left by the general public, who looked quite ready to move into a garden bed and stretch. These went next to the spinach and silverbeet patch.
Seeing that the established cucumbers needed a little support, this little trellis was born from our garage scrap.
Evidence that I didn’t just outsource this to the help…
That’s me doing all of the important stuff like taking a picture whilst hammering.
Next trip to Brennan’s I found a punnet of Cucumbers which had been squashed by what can only be described as a ‘dominant’ (lol) punnet of pumpkins. Three were snapped and dead, with a fourth half snapped but green with a will to live. The two good ones went straight in to assimilate with the larger more established cucumbers, which, kind of ruined the neat pattern I had, but I couldn’t just leave them to die could I? So, in they went. The last half snapped one went into the garden in its own little space, and he (yes that cucumber is male) was supported by a seedling tray and kitchen skewers so he would be a little more tolerant of a strong wind. They all seemed much happier.
Not sure how this little guy is going to go, but at least now he has a chance.
Spot the difference.
And now there are six.
Did you notice?
That’s all for today folks.
Keen to get to work and fix some weak, stiff and unstable bodies =)
- A trellis is what we’ve built for our cucumbers. A trestle, is an architectural support for things like tables, and train bridges, but can be modified to be used as a support for tomato plants.
- Cucumbers can survive off a very section of stem when snapped, however are more susceptible to wind.
- Radish seedlings can be harvested in as little as 30 days!
- Seeds that you find in your old seed pile have disappointing germination rates =(