I’ve heard this saying, and I hate it. I don’t ‘hate’ many things, but this saying, is one.
‘Do as I say, not as I do’
This infuriates me.
And no I’m not talking about the spelling.
How am I supposed to implement it if you, the one preaching can’t?
Why should I listen to you if you yourself don’t live by the same rules?
How do I know it works if you yourself haven’t actually done it consistently as you ask me to do?
It’s not that important to you, why should it be important to me?
Why would I make time to “do my very important homework” if you never actually do yours?
A chiropractor quoted this to me once, and that falseness (among a few other things) was about the end of our working relationship.
Anyhow, I digress.
My point here, is that when I encourage you all to be healthier, to move healthier, and to create healthy environments around you, I too am doing so for myself. For if I cannot lead by example, then who am I to ask this of you and why should you listen to anything that I say?
I’m a living example of small permanent changes. I used to eat 4+ slices of white bread, have weetbix and milk for breaky, have sugar and salt loaded biscuits, snacks and processed nasties. But I was slim, you couldn’t notice the bad stuff that was going in. Doesn’t make it right. There’s a lot more to health than weight. Going to boot camp and choosing a burger without the bun isn’t the end of health. Crossfit workouts that have you bouncing with impact too great for your stability to handle, isn’t healthy for your joints. Speaking of Paleo and Crossfit watch this video here. Keen to hear your thoughts on it.
Let’s just be real here though, Pilates is just as dangerous as any other type of exercise, when taught incorrectly and or flippantly.
Any movement can either hurt, increase health or heal sore spots.
Back to the garden.
Now, for me, life’s different.
So different, that I’m now growing my own food, and I encourage you to do the same.
As evidence, of how achievable this is, with very little effort, I’m going to post regular updates of my successes and failures right here on the Pilates Exclusive blog.
Pilates started me on my never ending journey of becoming healthier. I’ve grown to believe that small permanent changes over years will fabricate the temple which is your body. Good news if your temple is falling apart…
It’s never too late to renovate!
This month at PE, I want to show you how easy it is to grow a few things in the garden to lead a healthier lifestyle, food wise. I know that all of your joints are safe, your balance is better, your muscles are strong and flexible BUT… Let’s not forget to look at this becoming healthier point holistically, and check the other areas of our life that we can make small, permanent changes to fabricate a healthier body.
For me, this year is all about growing my own food, as naturally as possible in a small backyard on the outskirts of Dubbo.
For those of you who aren’t in the slightest interested in growing your own vegies…
I’ve got your back.
We’ll have our organic, heirloom and delicious vegies ready for you to purchase at the studio soon =)
Perhaps, as is my hope, that maybe, just maybe….some of you could be inspired to plant a few things in your garden this year too 🙂