Mirror Inspo 27th October - Pilates Exclusive

27 oct 14

Exercise safely and the benefits will be LIFELONG.

In today’s society we are bombarded with the need to achieve the ‘perfect’ body, and to do so at all costs.

Crossfit, Tabata workouts and intense boot camps are all options to try to get to this alluring goal I (and most of us) see on social media DAILY.

There is one basic flaw with these options that I know as a Pilates Teacher- and I want to share that with you.

They ALL contain movements that can DAMAGE our spine, and COMPROMISE pelvic floor muscles.

Sit-ups? Disc Bulges. Burpees? SIJ issues. heavy bar weights? Compression of the spine.

This is a hard truth for many people to swallow but we can achieve better health (and a better body) in a safer way. Ask your Pilates Therapist for tips on staying safe, while moving yourbody.



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