A Retreat or a Vacation – What’s the Difference & Which One is Right For You? - Pilates Exclusive

While both ‘retreat’ and ‘vacation’ may sound synonymous, there’s actually a world of difference between each one. Yes, both are ways of drawing back from stressful lifestyles to take some time to relax. So, then what’s the difference? And are they both as effective for self-care? Let’s take a look!

Have you ever come back from a vacation thinking “I could use a vacation right about now”? Consider for a moment the typical activities that feature in a vacation – lots of eating and drinking, staying up late, constantly being on the move in a car or taxi or bus, getting over exposed to the sun – you barely get any time to relax or step back from your responsibilities. Now let’s think of the flip side – you arrive at a retreat where you’re picked up from the airport and taken to a five-star resort. You’re automatically included in group activities, served organically cooked meals thrice a day, participate in mindfulness sessions and get all the time you need to unwind. Which one do you think is more powerful as a de-stressing tool?

In case you’re still on the fence, let’s take a look at some more differences between the two.

Small Term V Long Term Benefits

While research has shown the importance of taking regular time off work, it’s also quite evident that the effects of vacations are quite short-lived. Most vacations aren’t planned around specific goals. On the other hand, retreats revolve around some major objectives – relaxation through mindfulness, reducing body pain and becoming stronger with pilates or getting together with like-minded people to talk through life experiences. It’s the time you need to create some distance between the ongoing stress of everyday life and gain a fresher perspective while rejuvenating your mind through self-care. The results are also more sustainable since you can continue practicing your newly learned habits once you get back. For example, the bonus mindfulness course with this pilates retreat will help participants extend the de-stressing process even when the retreat is over.

The Benefits of Professional Guidance

On a vacation, you’re responsible for coming up with ways to help yourself relax and disconnect from your stress. Retreats tend to be packed with different types of mindfulness, counselling or training sessions led by experts that are designed to do the work for you. While unwinding with the help of a professional, you also get to learn the tools and knowledge you’ll need to continue the process even once the retreat is finished.

Retreats Can Be More Cost-Effective

With the benefits of group discounts and long-term relationships with hotels, retreat organisers are able to offer rates for luxury accommodation and spa treatments that you may not be able to get otherwise. They also have the added advantage of being pre-planned so there are no dangers of unforeseen expenses that you haven’t accounted for.

Planning is Not Your Headache

The best part? Someone else does all the work for you. You don’t have to replace the anxiety of everyday work with the worries of planning a vacation. From meals, transport, spa treatments to sightseeing and free time, everything is already thought of and handed to you on a silver platter.

So, given the choice, would you pick a retreat or a vacation? Let us know in the comments!

We have an upcoming, all-inclusive retreat in Bali. If that’s something that interests you, just click here.





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