January 2016 - Pilates Exclusive

Australia Day Opening Hours

The Studio will be closed Tuesday 26th January for the Australia Day Public Holiday. For all our regular Tuesday clients who would like to reschedule, make sure you let reception know so we can find another session time through the week. Enjoy, and have a wonderful...

How to take your resting heart rate – Jumpstart January 2016

So, you have accepted the challenge! This video as explained in the previous video is to teach you how to take your resting heart rate. The importance of collecting information before starting/continuing a physical activity program is to measure your cardiovascular...

Welcome to Jump Start January! [Video]

It’s a new year, a new month and we’ve got a new challenge – Jump Start January!! To learn how to take your heart rate, click here. Happy Jumpstart January and we will see you in the studio soon....



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