September 2014 - Pilates Exclusive
National Headache Week 2014

National Headache Week 2014

What a pain! September 15th to 21st is National Headache Week. Headache and Migraines are the second most common medical complaint worldwide. This will affect up to 80% of the population at some time… Which means it has likely to affected YOU! What do you do to...

Mirror Inspiration

Did you know? Contrology Joseph Pilates was the founder of Contrology. This was a system of fitness which Joseph described as its ability to ‘develop the body uniformly, correct wrong posture and restore physical vitality’. The name  he used for this...
Mirror Inspo

Mirror Inspo

Our goals and dreams can seem like a LONG way off, like an oasis on the horizon. Especially on a Monday! However changing the way you think and approach these goals may help it become within our reach. Decide today and get to that accomplishment one day sooner....
World Continence week 2014

World Continence week 2014

Managing the Mother Load: Protect your Pelvic Floor! June 23rd to 29th is World Continence Week. This year the Continence Foundation of Australia has adopted the theme of pregnancy and pelvic floor. This theme is to help dispel the myth that bladder weakness from...



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