3 Ways for MEN to get on top of Osteoporosis.
This year Osteoporosis Australia is recognising the 2014 World Osteoporosis day by raising awareness of the disease in an often overlooked population:
Raising awareness of bone health in Men is a great campaign, as many people associate this disease with women.
What can MEN do to identify, prevent and treat Osteoporosis?
Know your risk factors.
- Your risk for Osteoporosis can increase with certain lifestyle issues. These include inactivity, history of smoking and being overweight or underweight.
- Taking some medications can increase your risk. They include corticosteriods, treatments for prostrate cancer and certain anti-epileptics.
- Medical conditions such as thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic kidney disease.
- Men also have specific risk factors such as low testosterone levels.
Not all exercise was created equally.
- Variety and combination of weight bearing and resistance training is the key. Bones respond to challenge, not running the same loop and the same three arm weights every week.
- Specific exercises can be prescribed for prevention and even treatment of Osteoporosis. These exercises can delay the disease progression, a physical therapist may have the tools to prevent and treat this disease.
- PILATES is a great treatment and prevention exercise for bone health. We work with the client to improve bone health in a safe environment.
- On the other hand, some exercises can be dangerous and increase risk of a serious Osteoporosis fracture. Back flexion does your back damage and if you have poor bone density, exercising with flexing can be enough to cause a fracture. Examples include situps and bending the back when lifting weights.
See your doctor. Timely health checks are very important for your overall health.
Men can be known for not wanting to head off to the doc, however getting onto the problem of poor bone health early can help prevent serious injury.
So overall by knowing risk factors for Osteoporosis and exercising appropriately we can beat Osteoporosis. Lets spread the word to the men in our life.